Videothek Class Recording: Shoulder Mount Conditioning Part 1

Class Recording: Shoulder Mount Conditioning Part 1

75 min
Alle Level
CurlyPole Movement
Verfügbarkeit nach Kauf
7 Tage
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Welcome to this Class

Just as in last weeks video you will find a Warm-up as well as Conditioning exercises that will prepare your body for Pole Dance, followed by specific exercises to improve your Pole Dance Shoulder Mount.

Important Note: Always take breaks if your body tells you to and train in your own pace! There is no need to rush you will make progress in your own time :-)

If you have never done a Shoulder Mount before you can absolutely do all the shown exercises with me as they are not a full Shoulder Mount. In the end there will be time to practice the actual Shoulder Mount - here if it is your very first time I would recommend you train it with a spotter or in class with a trainer or of course you can revisit some of the regressions we did in class.

The shoulder mount is quite an uncomfortable move in the beginning. And that is totally normal. Make sure you don`t place the pole on any bony structures (like your spine, Shoulder Blade, Shoulder, Collarbone) but on that chunky muscle part (your upper Trap) pretty much between your spine and your shoulder.

Props you need:

  • A Pole
  • Terra bands
  • Yoga Blocks
  • Water

Here are the topics of the Video:

00:00 Warm-Up

03:50 Shoulder Conditioning

31:43 Leg Specific Conditioning

49:45 On The Pole Conditioning & Technique

01:08:26 Cool Down

If you have Questions on parts of the video, feel free to reach out to me!

I am more than happy to give you advice and support. And if you have videos of your training, I am always happy to see my students work and succeed, so feel free to send them to me or tag me on Instagram @curlypole

Have fun with the class, it’s a sweaty one ;-)

xxx Lena

Ps: Of course in the very beginning I forgot to switch to english - but I realized after the first few Body Rolls so enjoy that *laughs in pole*



Please don't share this class, as this is not free content and a lot of time and passion has gone into creating each and every one of my classes. If you know someone who you think would love this class, feel free to send them my contact information so I can send them an option to book the recording. Thank you for your support and understanding :-)


Not all exercises are suitable for everyone. Pole is an Extreme Sport and injuries can occur.

Please check with a physician first to make sure this program is for you and that you are in good health to perform the shown exercises. If you have injuries or recovering from one, please confirm with your doctor before starting the class. If you need to take more time to warm up, please take the time to do so and continue with the class when you feel fully ready.

By performing any fitness exercises without supervision, you are performing them at your own risk. Seek personal help from a fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. I will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video.

Please stop exercising immediately if you experience pain of any kind, fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, sickness or any other discomfort. Please seek medical help if you experience these or any other symptoms.