Ashtanga Therapeutics Vienna with Joey Paz & Bryce Delbridge @ Feelgoodstudio 1040 " Movement / Vritti "
Ashtanga Therapeutics Vienna with Joey Paz & Bryce Delbridge @ Feelgoodstudio 1040 " Movement / Vritti "

Ashtanga Therapeutics Vienna with Joey Paz & Bryce Delbridge


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Ashtanga Therapeutics Vienna with Joey Paz & Bryce Delbridge @ Feelgoodstudio 1040 " Movement / Vritti "
Ashtanga Therapeutics Vienna with Joey Paz & Bryce Delbridge @ Feelgoodstudio 1040 " Movement / Vritti "

:::Venue: Feelgoodstudio 1160, Grundsteingasse 12 Vienna:::

Join Joey Paz and Bryce Delbridge (California, USA) in beautiful Vienna, Austria for a deep dive into asana, pranayama, mudra, and philosophy in the BNS Iyengar lineage, while learning a wide variety of self-healing yoga therapy techniques that will serve you for the rest of your life.


Friday, May 16th

Evening - Therapeutic Fundamentals/Myofascial release:

We begin with postural analysis and individualized somatic moverment/therapeutic exercises, and self massage to release tension as well as activate and strengthen the weaker muscles groups in our bodies.                       

Saturday, May 17th

Morning - Led Practice:

Includes Therapeutic techniques, Asana, Mudra, Bandha & Pranayama - Starting from wherever your practice is at currently we will assist you in taking the next steps to deepen, understand and evolve your yoga practice.

Then we will begin a traditional Ashtanga practice in the lineage of our teacher, Sri BNS Iyengar of Mysore, who is the world’s senior living Ashtanga teacher and the last living student of Krishnamacharya still living and teaching today in Mysore at age 96 . There is the possibility to explore Primary Series, Intermediate and Advanced series, as well as Mysore style practice during the morning practice sessions.

Afternoon - Yoga Therapy / Injury Clinic (Workshop on Injuries, aches, pains, specific asanas):

In this session, Bryce will work with each individual on dealing with specific issues they may be facing in their yoga practice, and provide individualized techniques for overcoming these obstacles, aches, or pains. Bryce is an expert at assisting individuals overcome limitations and heal from previous injuries.

Sunday May 18th

Morning - Led Practice (See description above):

Afternoon - Pranayama Deep Dive (BNS Iyengar Lineage)

We will close the workshop with a powerful overview of the traditional pranayama system of Sri BNS Iyengar. This pranayama lineage is a powerful and meticulous system designed specifically to bring balance to the nervous systems, purify the Nadis in preparation for the rising of Kundalini with the more advanced practices of Pranayama. Participants will also receive PDF instruction guides with step-by-step instructions for a lifelong continued pranayama practice.

Workshop Price

Full weekend: € 159, early bird until April 15th: € 145

Individual class: € 45, early bird until April 15th: € 40

:::Venue: Feelgoodstudio 1160, Grundsteingasse 12 Vienna:::

This workshop is held in English only!


Beginnt am Freitag, 16. Mai 2025

Mehrere Termine


Grundsteingasse 12/3, 1160 Wien



Bryce Delbridge & Joey Paz (EN)


Bryce Delbridge I began practicing Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga at the age of 15, after being diagnosed with severe scoliosis. Facing the option of full spinal fusion, my dear family friends Andrew and Ray Eppler suggested that I try yoga. During my first class, which was with Ray Eppler, I felt at home & at peace in my body; from this initial communion I began devoting my life to various alternatives to surgery. When I am not teaching workshops around the world, I teach regular Mysore and Vinyasa Flow classes at Ashtanga Yoga Studio in Norman, Oklahoma. Find out more about Bryce at Joey Paz Joey has been a devout practitioner of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga since 2008. Practicing daily for many years with Andrew Eppler, Bryce Delbridge, and Jennifer Engleman at Ashtanga Yoga Studio in Oklahoma, he began to travel regularly to India in 2013 to initiate ongoing in-depth study of Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Mantra, and Yoga philosophy with Sri BNS Iyengar, a direct student of T. Krishnamacharya and the world's elder living master in the Ashtanga lineage. Beyond asana, he continues to deepen his studies of chanting and philosophy with Dr. M.A. Jayashree and Narasimhan of Ananta Research Foundation in Mysore & Kanchen Mala of Krishnamacharr Yoga Shala in Mysore; and Yoga Darshana with Dr. M.A. Alwar of Maharaja Sanskrit College and his father, the late Dr. Lakshmi Tatachar, founder of the Samskrti Foundation in Melukote, India.


Bryce Delbridge At the age of 20, I traveled to India to pursue a more austere regiment of traditional practice with Sri B.N.S. Iyengar, a direct student of Sri T. Krishnamacharya. While studying all 4 classic sequences of Asana (Primary, Intermediate, Advanced A, Advanced B), along with Mudra, Pranayama and Philosophy, I became pain-free. Since then, I have continued to travel & study with world renown teachers, such as David Williams, Danny Paradise, David Swenson, Dharma Mittra, Srivatsa Ramaswami, Maria Mendola, Joseph & Lillian LePaige, Robert Boustany, among many others. I have also completed 1000hr certification through Integrative Yoga Therapy and I am E-RYT 500, YACEP & C-IAYT certified. Joey Paz In addition to his E-RYT 500 certification from Andrew Eppler at AYS and the Himalayan Yoga Association of Rishikesh, India; Joey has studied in-depth with a wide array of old school Ashtangis including David Williams, Nancy Gilgoff, Danny Paradise, David Garrigues, Gilad and Miriam Harouvi, Baptiste Marceau, Dominic & Stephanie Corigliano, & David Swenson.


40,00 €

45,00 €

Ticket für Fr. 16.05.2025, 17:00 - 21:00

Early Bird

65,00 €

75,00 €

Ticket für Sa. 17.05.2025, 10:00 - 17:00

Early Bird

65,00 €

75,00 €

Ticket für So. 18.05.2025, 10:00 - 17:00

Early Bird

145,00 €

159,00 €


Early Bird


Im Checkout kannst du ein Ticket wählen um an Terminen dieser Aktivität teilzunehmen






17:00 - 21:00

Grundsteingasse 12/3, 1160 Wien

Bryce Delbridge & Joey Paz (EN)


10:00 - 17:00

Grundsteingasse 12/3, 1160 Wien

Bryce Delbridge & Joey Paz (EN)


10:00 - 17:00

Grundsteingasse 12/3, 1160 Wien

Bryce Delbridge & Joey Paz (EN)




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Kostenlose Stornierung bis 7 Tage vor dem Workshop / free cancelation up to 7 days before the workshop

Ashtanga Therapeutics Vienna with Joey Paz & Bryce Delbridge


Beginnt am Freitag, 16. Mai 2025

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